Thursday 18 May 2017


Graduation Preparation 2017:

  1. Send in (via email - if possible) photos of the class / your child in school. Email: 
  2. Make sure you have at least 30 memories written in your Ethics hardback. Each child will share some of these on the night. Obviously some children will have the same memories so that's why I'm looking for each child to have at least 30 of them - they will need back up ones! Memories - On the night they may read two or three (max) short memories or else 1 longer memory. 
  3. Parents - please start writing the letters to your children. Don't share them with them until the graduation night. 3 parents (who have already been informed) shall read their letter on the night. (We just picked names out of a hat.)
  4. Tickets for the graduation are now on sale in the office. Tickets will go to immediate family first. Then extra tickets shall go on sale. Please buy your tickets as soon as possible so that we know how many extra tickets we have and can start selling them. Tickets: 20euro per adult, 12euro per child and the graduate goes free.
  5. Gibberish - Learn this dance for the Graduation! 

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